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Amorphousization of dickite by electron radiation
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Many silicates are so electron-beam-sensitive that HRTEM recording with sufficient resolution to determine their atomic structures is often difficult. Kaolin group minerals (KGMs), Al2Si2O5(OH)4, are among them. This movie shows the amorphousization of dickite, a polytype of KGMs, by beam radiation of 1×10-16A/Å2 (600 electrons/sec/Å2) which is typical intensity to record HRTEM images on films. In order to record HRTEM images of KGMs, TEM must be operated very quickly.
iTEM: JEOL JEM-2010 UHR at 200 kV. Camera: LHESA LH72LL. Sample preparation: ion-milling. j
Kogure, T. and A. Inoue: "Determination of defect structures in kaolin minerals by High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) ", Am. Mineral., 90 (2005) 85-89. DOI: 10.2138/am.2005.1603