Distribution site for SFC

T. Kogure
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science,
The University of Tokyo

First released version : 6.34 (07/19/2003)
Version 6.35 (07/25/2003)
Version 6.36 (08/25/2003)
Version 6.37 (11/30/2003

Version 6.38 (01/04/2003)

Click here to show several examples of results using the program. 

Click here to read the operation manual of the program.

This program is coded with Visual Basic Ver. 6.0 (VB6). It does not work on a Windows system to which VB6 is not installed. If you do not have VB6, Please download/install basic run-time files for VB6 and several Active-X control files, for instance, from the following site.


This program consists of an execution file (SFC6.EXE) and several database files. The method to download and install the program is as follows.

1) click the follwoing file name to download the execute file and four CAB file in any places (for instance, Desk Top) of your computer.

2) The following three in each CAB file are not used (do not run). Ignore or delete them in the install process.


3) Make the following folders on the computer.
     ・C:\My Documents\SFC
     ・C:\My Ducuments\SFCDATA
* Attention: This "C:\My Documents" is different from that in "\Documents and Setting\(User)\" for Windows XP or Windows 2000.

4) Move all files in SFC. CAB except the three files mentioned above to SFC, the folder just made.

5) Move all files in SFCDATA.CAB except the three files mentioned above to SFCDATA, the folder just made.
* Attention: These files are just examples of EBSD patterns and crystallographic data for several materials. They are not necessary to run the program.

6) Make the following two folders in SFC folder made in 3).

7) Move all files in ASF. CAB except the three files mentioned above to ASF, the folder just made.

8) Move all files in SpaceGr. CAB except the three files mentioned above to SpaceGr, the folder just made.

9) Then installation is finised. Please click SFC6.EXE to run the program..

10) You can delete the downloaded CAB files..

If you find any problems or bugs in this program, please let the following address know the detail.
